Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Back Pain Update

So, I appreciate all the great advice and kind words from you all.  Let me start by saying... I have tried many things.  Chiropractor (tons), Decompression Therapy, Light Therapy, I bought an inversion table and used it many times a day, drugs, steroid injection, physical therapy, and more.

The injection gave me absolutely no relief and may have actually made the pain a little worse.  After going back to the pain management doctor and talking about options, he went over my MRI with me.  I have a true rupture that is very substantial.  He called it gargantuan.  I met with a neurosurgeon.  He also said the rupture is just too large and too far gone for anything but surgery to work.

I feel like I gave it the college try.  It has been almost 4 months and I can't live like this anymore.  A week from Thursday (2/12) I will be having a microdiscectomy.  As far as back surgeries go, it is fairly easy.  It will be out patient but the recovery will be hard for me since I will be so restricted.  I will go back to work after 4 weeks off.

I can't believe I am having surgery again.  But, I feel positive that I can finally get some relief and get on with my life.


Tracey@bariatricfoodforlife.com said...

Trust in your decision and don't listen to any more advice. I think you will be amazed at how great you will feel post op. I'll keep you in my thoughts for a speedy and complete recovery. Tracey

Manda said...

You know what you have done and what your body needs. I'm sure you've done a lot of research and to be honest, 4 months is a long time to deal with that type of pain. I truly hope that the surgery is successful and helps rid you of this pain.

FritoBandito said...

You tried the conservative approaches and they didn't work, but it was worth a shot, right?

I hope the surgery resolves it for you. As someone with chronic pain, I know how mentally debilitating it becomes. Keep us posted on how things are going...we are here for you. :)

Beth Ann said...

I hate that you have to have surgery, but I do hope it will give you the relief you need. We will be thinking good thoughts for you!!

Amy W. said...

Yeah. Try it. I can't imagine being in constant pain. My back hurts just a little today from trying to be superwoman in the gym...and I feel it at every move and I have been complaining about it but now I feel like I should probably NOT complain about it bc there are people like you dealing with real pain. That was a very long sentence. Keep us posted. What will they actually do in surgery? Close the rupture? I don't have any idea.

Shrinking Mommy said...

hope all goes well!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you were more than willing to try out all the possibilities in order for your back pain to go away. Do what you you think is right, and I hope you find relief soon. Just make sure to get continuous treatment and get plenty of rest. Keep us posted for more updates, Anna. Thanks for sharing that! Take care! :)

Jacqueline Hodges @ Back and Neck Center of Brick