Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I am SO sick!

I haven't been around because I am suffering from a killer case of influenza. I went to the doctor on Monday and seem to be feeling worse each day. Blech... stay healthy all!


Gilly said...

You may feel like crap now, but just THINK of all the weight loss!!

Feel better!!

Theresa said...

Feel better soon!

Amy said...

OH no! So sorry...feel better soon. :)

Jen said...

Feel better!! (Yes, that's an order) lol

carla said...

Oh feel betetr!!! so sorry youa re so sick

Band-Babe said...

That's bad. I hope you're feeling better ASAP. Thinking of you...

Nella said...

So sorry! Lots of fluids, lots of fluids!

Lindsay said...

Feel better soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Feel Better!