Thursday, August 12, 2010

Have I Ever Told You?

You all who blog and comment and even just read, are all so amazing. I am inspired everyday by the honesty and care that this group puts out. Thank you!


Jen said... sweet! I love it here too. Everyone is so supportive and helpful. I wouldn't have been able to do this without my blog friends. We are lucky to have each other.

Linda said...

Oh, hugs right back girl. You are a great supporter.

-Grace- said...

Thank YOU! *HUGS*

Sandy said...

I would never had made it this far without this blogging world full of support and caring. Thanks but I also want to thank you!

momma2fi said...

It is so true - and makes me so sad when some use their blogs to lash out at others trying to lose weight, or judge them for making certain choices. We are all in this together - and that sense of support is priceless.

Sam said...

Hugs to you too. I love that so many people share their stories here. It helps with my own journey so much.

Gilly said...

*HUGS* ya back!

Steph said...


Are you going on the BOOBS trip? I thought so, but I'm not seeing you on my list. Please email me at