Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thinking about the future

I weighed myself this morning and I am already losing my vacation weight. I am hoping by next Monday I can be 179. I am not sure if it will really happen, but I would love it if it did. I am trying to be very aware of what I am eating and eating only when I am hungry. So far so good.

I am scheduled to see my doctor next Thursday and I am wondering if I need a fill. I feel like I have decent restriction but I can still eat more then a cup at a sitting. I also am not staying full for 4 hours. I am thinking maybe I will get a small tweak.. maybe .25 cc.

Anyway, I have been thinking about my impending 1 year bandiversary. It is just shy of 5 weeks away. I had hoped to be 100 lbs down, obviously that will not happen. I would have even settled for 90 lbs down, but I don't think that will happen either. Now I am shooting for 85. I have to say, earlier on in my journey I would have been devastated by the thought of only being 80 + lbs down in a year... but now.. I am thrilled. I know I will get the rest of the weight off and more importantly, I know I will keep it off.

I also feel pretty good about myself at my current weight, though I still have a ways to go. Bottom line is, I feel good! I had quite a few struggles this year. I didn't have any real restriction until about 6 months out and then was forced to have an entire unfill a month later. Now I have finally gotten good restriction (at month 10.5) and am really enjoying my band.

In the beginning I always felt pressure to keep up and to lose fast... but now I know that each journey is different and mine is still a huge success.


Lynda said...

I think you're doing great and appreciate that you have such a good attitude. Besides, when is the last time (pre-band) that ANY of us lost 85 lbs in 1 year?

Amanda Kiska said...

You are fantastic! 80+ lbs. in a year is AMAZING! Plus you look great and you're already a skinny minnie in MY book!

workinprogress said...

80 pounds down in year? Sounds like a great reason to party - certainly not a reason for disappointment!!

Gen said...

OMG you have done FABULOUSLY! I am hoping I can just make it to 52 lbs lost in my first year (also around 5 weeks away). A pound a week.

Good luck with that vacation weight, I am right there with you!

Linda said...

85 pounds is awesome!! I think I felt the same around a year - mad that I didn't hit 100, but we shouldn't devalue what we accomplish. You look amazing and are doing super.

Kristen said...

My 1 year is just around the corner as well- I know its hard knowing that you won't reach your initial goal you set, but you've done AMAZING and that is a huge success to celebrate!

Colls said...

What a great outlook! Thanks for sharing. I get a little disappointed at my progress thus far, but then I have to remember how far I have come and that I am doing great! It's easy to focus on what we thought would be the norm in the beginning. <3

Kerri said...

80 lbs in 1 year....I would take that! Congrats! You look GREAT!

kagead said...

You are doing so well! I'm off to a slow start, so I can't even imagine being 80+ down in two years, much less one!!! I nominated you for a blogger award- you can check it out on my blog http://provokingpracticality.blogspot.com/

CeeJay said...

Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate! Listen to what you are saying--there is NO disappointment in 85 pounds in one year. You will have a great bandiversary!