Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A fill... in less than two weeks?!!!

Okay, so the doctors office called me this morning with my appointment time. I wasn't expecting to hear back so soon... it takes longer to schedule an appointment in radiology. Well she says, "you fill is scheduled for December 15th at 8:30 am". I was shocked. The doctor had told me a month. Apparently the only time available was either the 15th or January 20th. He didn't want me to wait that long. Holy Moly, I was not expecting this. He was planning on filling me to "good restriction" using the barium method. Now I am a little nervous because I thought I would have Christmas to screw around.

I am happy to be having a fill so soon but also a little surprised. It is funny how I have torn feelings about this. All I have wanted for so long was restriction but when faced with that possibility it sort of freaks me out. I have gone 3 months with none and it has been tough but there is also something comforting about the fact that I can still eat whatever I want without any trouble.

I guess it is time for my band to start working with me.

Happy Hump Day!


uh said...

I was nervous of my 2nd fill but I needed that restriction. When it came time to schedule the 3rd, I was given a choice of Monday before Christmas or Monday afterwards, I chose the Monday before because it will keep me good. I am a food addict and need to start enjoying my family and social settings without feeling I need the food! Take your restriction, it will likely be less by time Christmas gets here anyway!

THE DASH! said...

I guess he brought it forward because its a bit hit and miss at Christmas time with appointments. You will be fine and maybe it's better to have the fill before Christmas - it might keep you in check a little better (wise words.. I must heed these myself lol.. I have another fill on the 18th of this month!)