Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A New Problem...

Good restriction seems to mean less water for me. I have a really hard time getting in more then 40 ounces of water a day. I am so tight in the morning until about noon even water takes forever to go down. I am not complaining, just trying to figure out how to get more water in. I need to really make an effort to even get in close to what I need.

Then there is the whole peeing issue. Someone had told me the longer you drank water regularly the less you would have to pee all the time. This is a lie. I still have to pee all the time... which makes me hate the water.

Lastly, I am wearing an awesome dress today. I walked past a store window and saw my reflection and I actually looked thinner and normalish. It was great. I will try to take a picture.

Oww... and P.S. Did anyone watch Ruby where they were doing the eating technique? All the women were complaining about eating so slow and NOT DRINKING. All I could think was "welcome to my world".


DB said...

I love Ruby! That episode was great - those bittys really hated the technique!

Theresa said...

I've never seen that show. I worry about the water thing too. I haven't even had my first fill yet, but I need lots of water, I hear people talking about having trouble with liquids and it scares me.

Amanda said...

Ugh, I totally hear you about the water. It takes FOREVER to go down and I'm not the type of person that can just sip all day. I'd rather gulp 20 oz at specific times, lol. Plus -- I get super bad acid reflux when I drink water. I used to love it so much and now I struggle :/ Ah -- such is life.

Unknown said...

I struggle with the water too. I'm not one to sip either. I used to gulp water. I can't anymore. I wish I could say I knew of a trick for drinking water. I just wanted say you aren't alone. :-)

Yana said...

This is a real problem for me...I get pretty tight at cold water, which used to be a fave. And I can't take big sips at all.

I make myself hot tea all day, because it makes me a bit looser and I can't gulp it, so no problems.

Amy W. said...

I have never been so tight that my water went down slow. Once in the doctors office when he filled me...but he loosened me up!

I have actually cut back on my water a tad. Instead of aiming for crazy 120 ounces plus...i shoot for 60-80.

Angie Cummings said...

I try to just always have water with me when I'm not eating, and try to get at least 60oz to disappear.

When I'm feeling tight, cold water is super hard but I can handle room temperature easier.