Friday, April 16, 2010

OMG! 70!!!

Ladies and gents I have made it to that fabulous 70 lb down place! I am officially out of the 190's and standing firmly in the 180's. I am exactly 189 lbs this morning and it feels amazing! This is the lightest I have been in years! A lot of my 16s are now to big and I am wearing some 14s! Woohoo! I am now looking to the 170's!
Happy Friday!


Gilly said...

Pure awesomeness!! Conratulations!

DB said...

WOOT WOOT!!!! Yay for you!!!

-Grace- said...

Whoo-hoo!! CONGRATS! :)d

Sandy said...

Happy Dance! Happy Dance!

Theresa said...


CeeJay said...


Amy said...

Enjoy every moment! You've worked so hard to get here and deserve to enjoy every sweet moment.


Suzi said...

Congrats!!! That is awesome!

Kristen said...

YEEHOO for 70! :0)

Amanda Kiska said...

You are an inspiration~! Well done!

Amy W. said...

Well hell. You could have waited for me! I want to see that number this weekend and I want 187 by next Thursday! I am aiming big!

I am proud of you and glad that you are back on track for awhile!

carla said...

Awesome!!! congrats that is amazing

Kinzie said...

And you just keep on dropping! Way to go little one~

susieq4givn said...

Awesome! Congratulations!