Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saturday it is.

In my pre-band days, a Saturday work day would surely lead to a nice dinner out. It might be a steak with a loaded baked potato followed by some sort of cheese cake. It could also be some kind of stuffed chicken with pasta followed by key lime pie. It could even be a really good burger with sweet potato fries and a big ol' waffle cone of blue moon. But no.. not tonight. Instead I will make something healthy and have no regrets. However, I do miss those days of carefree eating followed by a comfy sweet. This is why I see a therapist! :)

It is cold here, and rainy, and a perfect day to stay in bed. Sadly, I am at work until 6 today. I am drinking my peach tea and dreaming of smaller pants. It is almost lunch time and I am getting hungry.

Blah.... today kind of sucks.

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